State-of-the-art sensor solutions

FLS112 The world’s smallest mass flow sensor

The FLS112 is Flusso’s flagship mass flow sensor. It’s designed for easy integration into even the most complex flow paths, bringing greater energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness to high-volume and novel applications.


A super-scalable flow sensing solution for your business.

Fully customisable.

Displays mass flow, volumetric flow, differential pressure and temperature measurements.

Outstanding bidirectional gas flow measurement performance.

We hit that price-performance sweet spot. Check out the FLS112 in more detail.

  Product specifications

FLS112 at a glance

FLS112 Specifications

Small but mighty: 3.5 mm x 3.5 mm.

Outstanding resolution and accuracy across measurement ranges, fully tailored up to ±500 slm or more.

Exceptional stability at ‘0’ flow.

Optimal through-flow configuration.

Bidirectional flow sensing.

Outstanding water resilience.

Fully temperature-compensated for a reliable flow signal.

Configurable operational modes and features.


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 Evaluation kit

Try the FLS112

Our plug-and-play evaluation kit contains everything you need to try the FLS112 flow sensor within your application. 

  1. Plug the sensor directly into your flow system.
  2. View and record real-time sensor data on your PC. 

A simple start to a standout partnership.

Evaluation kit

Try the FLS112

Our plug-and-play evaluation kit contains everything you need to try the FLS112 flow sensor within your application. 

  1. Plug the sensor directly into your flow system.
  2. View and record real-time sensor data on your PC. 

A simple start to a standout partnership.

Discover the unparalleled value of the customisable FLS112

Delivering exceptional performance through advanced MEMS technology tailored to your unique needs.